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How AI Сan Help Human to Address Global Challenges

Olga Gubanova


June 6, 2024

European culture is often marked by a practical approach, valuing tools and technologies for their immediate utility and quantifiable outcomes. This focus on tangible results can sometimes narrow our perspective, missing the broader picture of ongoing global transformations.

Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of innovation, profoundly impacting various sectors at an astonishing pace. AI, particularly through platforms like ChatGPT, offers immediate benefits and impressive performance metrics. However, taking a step back to view the bigger picture reveals AI's transformative power on issues previously deemed intractable.

These include:

  • Bias and Prejudice: Humans often make judgments based on biases or superficial assessments. AI can help mitigate these biases by analyzing data objectively, without the influence of personal prejudices or external appearances.
  • Resource Management: Human nature can lead to self-centered decision-making, especially in scenarios requiring the allocation of vast resources. AI can optimize resource distribution based on data-driven insights, ensuring more equitable and efficient outcomes.
  • Understanding Underlying Causes: The human brain processes numerous signals subconsciously, which can hinder our ability to discern the true causes behind events or behaviors. AI, with its capacity to analyze vast datasets, can identify patterns and correlations invisible to the human eye, offering deeper insights into the root causes of complex issues.

To gain deeper insights into this evolution, we reached out to an expert directly involved in developing ChatGPT tools. By posing a series of questions, we aim to illuminate the overarching trends in AI development and its implications for society.

If you could solve any one global problem with AI, which one would you choose and why?

An alarming 3.8% of the global population suffers from depression, affecting an estimated 280 million people, particularly in nations like India, the US, Sweden, the UK, and Japan. A major obstacle in tackling this crisis is the reluctance to seek help, often due to stigma, language barriers, and lack of access to appropriate resources.

Therefore, if I could leverage artificial intelligence to address one global problem, it would be the silent pandemic of mental health issues. We need to make mental health care as ubiquitous and easily accessible as searching the web.

Recognizing this, we created "Trusted Counselor," a custom GPT aimed at revolutionizing mental health support. Trusted Counselor is an always-available, private, one-on-one personal mental health assistant that offers cutting-edge counseling tools.

By providing a compassionate, non-judgmental, and accessible platform for individuals to open up and receive personalized guidance, Trusted Counselor can help bridge the gap in mental health care delivery. It offers coping strategies, suggests professional resources, and even detects early warning signs of mental health issues, enabling timely intervention.

ChatGPT Professional Psychologist – Expert AI-Based Online Consultations

How do you think artificial intelligence will change career paths in the next decade?

AI will significantly impact career paths. As it becomes more sophisticated and integrated across various industries, it will automate many routine tasks, leading to job displacement in some sectors. However, as we have seen in the past, disruption also leads to new opportunities, and the demand for professionals skilled in developing, implementing, and managing AI technologies will rise.

Likely, there will also be new roles such as AI Ethicists, Data Annotators, AI Interaction Specialists, and so on. Professionals with both domain knowledge and AI proficiency will be highly sought after.

AI will help augment and enhance our capabilities, allowing us to focus on more strategic and creative tasks. Continuous learning and adaptability will be crucial for people to navigate this rapidly changing AI-driven world.

Comparison table showing the impact of artificial intelligence on professional job markets, contrasting declining professions with emerging AI-related careers

Which AI myth would you most like to clarify and why?

One prevalent myth is that AI will lead to mass job displacement, leaving human workers in ruin. I believe this is a misplaced fear.

AI will indeed disrupt some industries, some more than others. But the truth is, new technologies have always ushered in new opportunities and have been drivers of economic growth. Viewed in this context, AI is a very powerful tool that will enhance our productivity and decision-making. Humans will still be needed, especially for tasks requiring emotional intelligence, empathy, and complex problem-solving skills. While AI is vastly superior at processing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns, humans are crucial for interpreting contextual nuances, exercising judgment, and providing oversight. Together, we are likely to witness new levels of efficiency and innovation.

Developing ChatGPT Applications with Global AI Impact in Mind

In the era of rapid technological advancement, the integration of ChatGPT into applications presents a unique opportunity for developers to shape the future landscape of AI. The experiences of the Ptolemay team, with their extensive background in embedding ChatGPT across over 30 diverse applications, offer invaluable insights for those aiming to navigate the complexities of AI development responsibly.

Prioritizing User Experience in AI Design

The key to making AI tools useful and welcoming is to prioritize user experience.

One application designed for a healthcare provider used chatGPT to navigate users through complex medical information. By using clear, simple language and interactive elements, users could easily access personalized health advice, improving user satisfaction and engagement.

Demystifying AI with Transparency and Education

One of the main hurdles in AI adoption is the "black box" perception—users are unsure how AI makes decisions.

For a financial services app, Ptolemay integrated explanations for chatGPT’s recommendations on investments, detailing how certain suggestions aligned with the user's financial goals and risk profiles. This transparency in AI decision-making enhanced user trust and acceptance.

Ethical AI: Building Trust Through Responsible Development

Trust in AI is closely tied to its ethical use. The team stresses the importance of embedding ethical guidelines into the development process, ensuring AI applications respect user privacy, data security, and are free from biases.

When developing a job-matching platform, the team ensured chatGPT was free from gender or ethnic biases by rigorously testing and refining its algorithms. This commitment to ethical AI fostered a more inclusive platform, attracting a diverse user base.

Enhancing AI with Customization and Personalization

People are more likely to embrace AI when they see it addressing their unique needs and preferences.

In an e-commerce application, chatGPT was utilized to provide personalized shopping advice. Users could customize their preferences for product types, budget, and even ethical considerations, making the AI assistant highly relevant and increasing sales conversions.

Evolving AI through Proactive Support and User Feedback

Finally, AI applications should not just be responsive but also proactive in offering support and gathering user feedback. This approach helps in fine-tuning AI tools to better meet user needs and signals to users that their input is valued, enhancing the relationship between users and AI technologies.

A travel booking app featuring chatGPT solicited user feedback directly through the chat interface. This input was used to refine recommendations and user experience continuously, demonstrating the value of user feedback in evolving AI applications.

"We are confident that the success of AI integration into applications relies not only on viewing AI as an effective tool for solving specific tasks but also on creating a favorable foundation for long-term relationships between people and this incredible technology." - The Ptolemy Team.
Best practices for creating ChatGPT applications – Ethical AI development and user engagement strategies on a mobile interface

Final Thoughts: The Future Shaped by Ethical AI Integration

The possibilities are vast: from achieving unparalleled efficiency in resource distribution that respects our planet's limits to unlocking deeper understandings of human psychology that can bridge divides and heal societal wounds. AI could offer solutions to climate change by optimizing energy use and reducing waste, improve global health by predicting outbreaks before they happen, and even revolutionize education by providing personalized learning paths for every student.

However, these outcomes are not guaranteed. They require a concerted effort from developers, policymakers, and the public to ensure AI is developed responsibly, with a focus on long-term benefits over short-term gains. It involves cultivating a global mindset that views AI as a partner in progress, rather than a threat or a mere productivity tool.

Looking forward, the universal implementation of AI promises a future where human potential is unleashed in ways we are just beginning to imagine. By correcting for our own limitations and biases, AI has the power to enhance our creativity, empathy, and capacity for innovation. In doing so, it offers us a clearer vision of a future where technology and humanity advance together, creating a world that reflects our highest aspirations and values.